the 99th garrison were asked to attend a friend of the garrison's wedding Peter who we have worked with before at the game events in the metro centre. His brother contacted us to suprise Peter at his wedding to Gemma at the customs house in South Shields. This came about after Peter, having won a prize to go to the Skywalker Ranch but couldn't as was his wedding day...awwwwwwww.
Saturday, lunchtime, saw us all meeting at the Customs House, Me, Ian, Nigel, Craig, Claire and Nick, we met early to drop everything off, check out the room etc and off to Asda for a drink and a chat before Trooping. Bargains were being had in Asda! Trooping is fun! Chat over and off to Customs house to hide in the most untidy Office I've ever seen, Health and Safety would have had a fit, there was hardly room to move, never mind put all the big bags and boxes and start getting changed, but they managed, I was crew for the day, MOVIE characters only (hehe). As we had a good hour before we were to be ready and waiting, Nigel took the opportunity to start polishing his helmet! And what a good job he made of that too, can't beat a bit of spit and polish and then he was busy 'adjusting' his tubes!!
Nick was ready and playing with the filing, looking for some paperwork he said he needed for data input!, personally I think he was looking for his plot, I don't think he found it though!
Then it was our call to be ready to go, we were able to use the lift 'in shifts' as was only small, Nigel will remember the lift scene, me down on the floor 'taking an arty shot' of Nigel, it was funny, and mucky down there! But worth it for the photo I managed to take, you know, sometimes you see an opportunity to get something a little different, the joys of staring at lift ceilings!
There was a lot of waiting about for this troop, but all well worth it, we did have some fun, we had Tommy the Trooper with us for some of our wait, Nick always on the look out for that 'fun' element for photo's.
And after our goodbyes to everyone, it's off to get changed and back to normal, well, 'nearly normal' life again, Craig, Nick and I went out to get some photo's but there wasn't many people about, so just took a few overlooking the Tyne.
Another great troop and fun times with great friends, all thanks to Ian, Nigel, Craig, Claire and Nick for a fab day oh and a very good one for Dreamflight with a donation of £200!!! Great stuff.