This one is a little late coming -TWSS- But here it is, small as it may be - TWSS - For those who don't understand it, TWSS = That's What She Said - comes out on many an occasion -TWSS- where there is innuendo to be had and the opportunities are endless on troops.. However, I digress, as the mind does, this was a small troop we attended at Hebburn Community Centre, I arrived on a lovely sunny day, sat in the car waiting for Nigel, sent him text, tried to ring, then as he wandered past my car I shouted of him and he totally ignored me!! I'll forgive though as he was listening to his music. Anyway, a small troop with only myself and Nigel in costume, Keith Lawler was there in his Dalek, but for all there were only a few of us, the kids who were there had a fab time bashing the Dalek, poor thing! And we had plenty of attention too. Local photographer came along and took some snaps, of which I've not seen! But hey ho, never mind, we did well, they had a colouring in competition which we got Nigel to choose (with my help) then they had a bit of a raffle, most that were there went away with something, so happy smiling faces. Then it was up to get changed and sit chatting with some of the Sci Fi Group, way over my head but they were friendly enough, all in all a good fun day, plenty of innuendo still and a good few giggles. Unfortunately I've no photo's, with us both in costume we couldn't, though I was sure I sneaked a few (hehe) If I find them, I will add them to blog...
Short n Sweet.....go on, you know you want to....TWSS!!!!!!!!!!!
Craig has a lot to answer for with TWSS, that came out in Manchester Troop...oohh errrr and it's never been forgotten :)