Another lovely sunny day and off we went to the Metrocentre, Ian, me and R2 to do a days trooping for the Lego Star Wars launch in Game. Rolling R2 through to the shop was fun, and noisy! Not many shoppers around but those that were there gave us some strange looks. Arriving at ‘Game’ we took over the back end of the shop with bodies and kit, the staff in Game are great, always welcoming and happy for our presence, James from Dreamflight was already there with his pot for collection, shame he had to stay inside the shop though, but that’s the Council for you!
A couple of new faces (for me) and nice to see old faces, not that I’m saying they’re old but you know what I mean! after much squeezing past each other, getting in the staff’s way and constantly setting the alarm off on the door, we finally got ready, squashed up into two rooms and the disabled loo, but we made it and out we went to scare, oops, did I say scare? ‘entertain’ the shoppers and drag them willingly into Game and hopefully they’d drop some money into James’ pot. A couple of quiet moments but mostly a busy day for us all and there were quite a few of us, it’s been a great turn out for Game. I’ve never had so many Blackberries thrust into my hands to take photo’s, young girls asking for pics with Stormtroopers and they shoved 3 of them at me, what, do I look like an Octopus? Quite funny when one young girl asked could she have her photo taken with the…………TIN MAN????? That’s a new one for the Stormies!
Come lunchtime we all took off into the direction of That’s Entertainment stopping only to terrorise the poor Pokemon who was there advertising…Pokemon!! Finally we arrived at That’s Entertainment to see Craig who we’d promised we’d go so he can get a few photo’s, we did have fun taking over the front of the shop for 5 minutes before returning to base, only stopping for a Promo Photo taken by a Metrocentre Employee and the usual stoppages of course (hope we get to see this up somewhere).
And as the afternoon comes to a close, I’ve no idea how much was raised, but we all had a great day, managing again to blog up the back of the shop while we all got changed and headed off for a much deserved cuppa and chill.
Thanks to all those who turned up to Troop and Crew today, it’s been great fun and look forward to seeing you all at the next one..
Another excellent troop and Blog! xx