Another lovely day, picked up by Craig and headed off to Hartlepool to pick up Sat Nige, with help from the Sat Nav and many wrong turns! Sat Nige sat in back giving directions, well, trying to! We finally made it to the park, sun beaming down and it was red hot! After a few phonecalls back and forth we met up with the others at our 'Gazebo' which I have to say, was a little like an oven! We also had the use of a small prefab which had mushrooms growing inside? Oh the sheer luxury of it all, but still, we had seating and a couple of benches to put out costumes on, saved me sitting on the grass in the Gazebo to put on facepaint, now that would have been entertaining! Lucky for me I had a bottle of water, it was either that or spit on my facepaint as no running water in this little cabin.
A visit from Ian who has Matthew with him so couldn't stay too long but took some great shots for us too :)
I think the temperature in that cabin must have been cranked up, the day was getting hotter and anyone wearing full facepaint in the heat will know, it's a long slog to stop it running! George who was crewing turned on the cool blow on the heater, that helped but only a little to keep us cooled off, but only when we stood directly in front of it. All good fun though, once all ready we made our way to the Gazebo, we were all surprised at the size of the Rally, we didn't think it would be so big, plenty of people about, Craig was crewing, don't think he'll be doing that again in a hurry, he felt naked without his Stormie on he said. The sun was beating down on us, of all days to be outside in full costume and helmets etc, like walking about in a sauna suit, but we enjoyed it.
Definitely a bit of Wookie going on here! |
The public enjoyed us being there, as usual we were on many photo's, some got the rough treatment though, on their knees, Nigel taking advantage of one young man and putting his foot on his back to push him down to do press ups! At this point I'm thinking, is this legal? But all taken in good humour as photo shows, me of course thinking, I'd like to do this to the next victims, sadly, there weren't any for me that I could do that to without getting into trouble!
On your knees boys... |
ten more press ups...NOW!! |
Nigel sticking the boot in |
Who Ray!! :) |
Nigel arranged for a visit to the little laser quest and we hid behind inflatable 'things' while getting a few photo's with their laser guns, that was good fun! The guys did a great job crewing, Craig being my slave, oops, did I say slave? I meant to say 'my saviour' going for me some food, being half undressed and half painted, it wasn't good to be seen out in public! Thanks Craig :). We did however have a few giggles when people kept coming to our 'window', yes, we had a window which was much like the ice cream van window and asking us how to get out of the place and other questions, for some bizarre reason they thought we were Council? Ok, how many council members do you see in lumpy ninja's, half dressed stormies, biker scouts in boxer shorts and Twi'Lek's with head piece off and painted purple? But hey, this is the North East, you just never can tell!!
Council worker? |
Well, as the day progressed it cooled down, then heated right back up again, a quick hello to the guys from Who Ray and a bit of a photo op with them on their knees haha, good to see them both again! The day came to a close and boy were we relieved to get out of the hot sweaty costumes we had on, I decided to wait until I got home to tackle the face, some very strange looks from people as they passed, one little child told me 'you're purple'.... Am I?????? And off home we all went, after a hot days Trooping, all good fun, thanks Craig for the lift home too, much appreciated :).
How many cans? Side of house is same! |
Oh and had to take a piccie of this house on the way home, been wanting to do it for ages, not your every day type of decor.....
All thanks to Crew and Costumers for this Troop, great job and great day for all. Till next time...........................................
Ok..spotted the first mistake...SIT UPS?? sorry, meant press ups.....