Ready to Escort the Carnival Queen inside and onto Stage |
All set to scare! |
Last year I was literally 'dragged' into Springwell Amateur Dramatics Group by my Brother, who assured me they wanted back up singers (me thinking I'd be behind scenes- I wasn't and I'm still not! nor is my good friend Jacqueline who came with me) anyway, cut a long story short, having received an add on Facebook from one of the girls who helps run the hall, it was noticed that I was part of the SW group, she loved the photo's and as they are always on the lookout for new stuff for the Annual Springwell carnival they asked if we'd come along and be there for the afternoon with them, and this is how it goes.
4 Blue Milks please! |
Troops picked up from Heworth and Sunderland, Jim and Sue already here at mine waiting, we headed off to Hall, we arrived in good time and good weather! Changing rooms (which I'd been in that week for show) were free for us to use and even had mirrors! with lights I'll have you know! a luxury for us. We were greeted by Jacquelyn who helps run the hall, then it was off into get changed, funny, there wasn't much TWSS involved in this Troop! What went wrong Nigel? Eventually after everyone was ready we were led out to 'the music' of course, apparently we looked fantastic and they're well impressed with us, so much they want to use us again! The Carnival officially opened at 12.30 and we were asked if the 2 Stormies, Ian and Jim, Sue too, to escort the Carnival Queen (who looked gorgeous) into the hall and onto the stage for the official opening. After this it was a free for all, the usual round of photo's taken inside and out, scared a few children -oops- and I thought purple would go down well with them!
Not something you see every day! |
Carnival had plenty to do, though I avoided having wet sponges thrown at me, just because of my purple paint running, can't be having a drippy Twi'Lek! Oh and I missed the ride on the Fire Engine too! Nooooooooo.. There was a small petting bit with Snakes, Tarantula (oh he was gorgeous), Piglet, Sheep, an Owl and a few other small animals, I had my gun end bitten when I threatened the Piglet! I guess he didn't like my 'lunch' comment! Ian managed to hold a Snake *wow* on his armour of course! Claire enjoyed the animals too, George just about took over the animals, helping us and the children handle them, well done George, Lynn and Jenn were busy taking lots of photo's for us, thanks girls. All in all a good few hours troop, much enjoyment, think the lady crossing the road was a bit shell shocked by her escorts, goodness knows what the passing traffic thought, it's not every day you see Stormtroopers and Fighter Pilots crossing the Road.
Brave Stormie :) |
Lunch? |
Unfortunately it positivily....rained heavy! which meant everyone was inside and phew was it hot in there, some fun photo's taken at the Bar, the Band who were playing were kind enough to allow us to take over their instruments giving us a fab photo opportunity, I got my hands on the biggest instrument, oh er, TWSS, have to say, Double Bass is my favourite, Mmm that sound!! George managed to get himself involved in the Cream Cracker eating competition, slow and steady he nibbled away, taking his time, it worked, George came first *ahem* how many innuendo's can I get out of this? The 99th really are a 'cracking' Team :) o....k, moving on from bad jokes!!
Cantina Band? |
A cracker eating crackers! and did a Cracking job, he won :) |
The day finally ended, hot, sweaty and tired, we left the hall after a big thank you from the Compere for the day, Suzanne, the lady that runs the hall sent in our donation, then we received another for expenses, much appreciated but kind of defeats the object of the hall raising it's funds, so we kept half and gave half back to the hall for their pot, all in all this was a fun troop, a few hours of good fun with fine people, raised money for both the Hall and Dreamflight, which myself, Ian, Jim and Sue handed to James later that night at the Can Can Tigger Ball, but that my friends, is another story all together (we looked oh so good ;o) )
A great big THANK YOU to all who attended, Costumes and Crew for coming along to this one, they'd not expected as many nor had they expected the quality, good job guys..
Also, nice to see friends turn up to this from home and work ....:)
Marie :o)
TWSS - That's What She Said - pops up every time (TWSS) there is the opportunity of a bit of innuendo, all thanks to our lovely Craig who started it all off in Futureworks in Manchester! He did get his big one out (TWSS)...for those who were wondering what it was and why it's there :)
ReplyDeleteoops..and my mistake, it's Carnival Princess, not Queen.....